Monday, September 10, 2012

Windows 8 Introduction to XAML

Hi All,

This particular blog article series aims to get readers understanding XAML on a functional level.  The primary focus will be Layout, Content, Control, Styling, Animation, Resources, a little theory and some code behind.  The assumption I am making of my readers is that you know how to open Visual Studio, create a project and navigate the IDE.  I am gearing this article specifically for people brand new to XAML and C#.


Part 1 covers just what you get out of the box in the Blank App and how it connects together.  Part 2 we will discuss Layout, Content and Control elements as well as many of their properties and attributes.  Part 3 we will discuss Styling and Resources in more depth, and Part 4 will be on Animation.

What is Xaml

Xaml is "Extensible Markup Language".  What it essentially is, is the presentation layer of WPF, Silverlight, and Windows 8 C# and C++ applications.  It is essentially an xml file with a .xaml extension.  It is "Extensible" because you can add extensions inline, this is a typical case when providing styles from resources, which we will discuss later in the series.  For more in depth information, feel free to use MSDN as a supplement:

The Blank App

So go ahead and create a new Windows Store Blank App (XAML) under the visual C# tab.  What you get when you first look at it is MainPage.xaml, App.xaml, and under the Common folder, you get StandardStyles.xaml

Inline image 1

This basic template is a great starting point and provides some insight into how to create your own application.  So lets take a look at each file in a little bit of detail.



To really demonstrate how these files connect to each other, we need to add an element to the application.  So locate the Grid Element and create a button between the two tags, like so.

QR: Inline image 2

Posted via email from Jasper-Net