September is now in full swing, and you’ve got homework. The Xamarin Developer Center has added mounds of amazing new material to our portal, and we can’t wait for you to start reading! Here are some of the new guides we’ve got for you:
Cross Platform
Introduction to Mobile Development - A fantastic way to get up to speed on the foundations of mobile development, the Xamarin toolkit, and the beauty of a cross-platform approach to developing your app.
Intro to ContentProviders - Examines the Android Provider Pattern and illustrates how to use it to expose data in an agnostic way to the various UI controls in Android that expect a ContentProvider.
Java Integration Overview - Provides a solid foundation in understanding the various ways to integrate existing Java code and Libraries in your Android application.
Publishing an Application - Walks through the process of publishing your application to Google Play, Amazon, or just a file share, for wider distribution.
In-App Purchasing - Covers how to use the Apple Store Kit APIs to provide in-app upgrades, and subscriptions. Illustrates how to verify transactions, secure store, and more.
Read more: Xamarin blog