Tuesday, July 31, 2012

#613 – Window Event Sequence

The full sequence of events fired for a Window object are as follows.
On application startup, if the Window is the application’s main window.  (Application events are also shown in the correct sequence).

  • Application.Startup
  • Window.Initialized
  • Window.IsVisibleChanged
  • Window.SizeChanged
  • Window.LayoutUpdated
  • Window.SourceInitialized
  • Application.Activated
  • Window.Activated
  • Window.PreviewGotKeyboardFocus
  • Window.IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged
  • Window.IsKeyboardFocusedChanged
  • Window.GotKeyboardFocus
  • Window.LayoutUpdated
  • Window.Loaded
  • Window.ContentRendered

On normal application shutdown, the event sequence is:

  • Window.Closing
  • Window.IsVisibleChanged
  • Window.Deactivated
  • Application.Deactivated
  • Window.IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged
  • Window.IsKeyboardFocusedChanged
  • Window.LostKeyboardFocus
  • Window.Closed
  • Application.Exit

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