Welcome to the google hacking database
We call them 'googledorks': Inept or foolish people as revealed by Google. Whatever you call these fools, you've found the center of the Google Hacking Universe!
Google Hacking Database Categories
Footholds (23)
Examples of queries that can help a hacker gain a foothold into a web server
Files containing usernames (15)
These files contain usernames, but no passwords... Still, google finding usernames on a web site..
Sensitive Directories (65)
Google's collection of web sites sharing sensitive directories. The files contained in here will vary from sesitive to uber-secret!
Web Server Detection (72)
These links demonstrate Google's awesome ability to profile web servers..
Vulnerable Files (60)
HUNDREDS of vulnerable files that Google can find on websites...
Vulnerable Servers (70)
These searches reveal servers with specific vulnerabilities. These are found in a different way than the searches found in the "Vulnerable Files" section.
Read more: Exploit-db