Sunday, January 22, 2012

Introduction to bddify

If you are new to BDD you may want to read BDD to the rescue first.
This is an introduction and a start of a series about bddify, a powerful BDD framework for .Net, called 'Bddify In Action':

Using bddify

Customizing and extending bddify

    Customizing html report
    Creating your own report
    Create a step scanner

A bit of history

In January 2011 I started working with a team who did not have any exposure to BDD. The codebase they were working on could benefit from testing in general but more so from BDD; so I introduced them to the concept and they liked it; but the existing frameworks did not feel like a good fit for the team and organization. One of the reasons was that they were not doing Agile. The existing frameworks would work very nicely in Agile organizations but not as easily in non-Agile teams. Sure, BDD was born in Agile land; but in my experience it is as useful (if not more) for non-Agile teams. Also it always felt like an extension to TDD in the sense that in order to learn BDD you should first know and do TDD. This made BDD rather unreachable for average developers.

As such I started an attempt to make BDD very simple for every .Net developer regardless of their experience, knowledge of BDD and testing or whether they work on an Agile or non-Agile organization.

... and bddify was born as a one-file-framework. Well the first few incarnations were rather crude but soon it was turned into a fully-fledged BDD framework with quite a few handy and cool features. Since then bddify has been used by many teams in Australia and overseas: some developers learnt BDD through bddify and some switched to bddify after having used other BDD frameworks and luckily they are all very happy with it.

After one year, today I am pleased to announce the release of bddify V1. The code is now hosted on BitBucket and you can find it here.
What's it called?

The framework is called bddify because it BDDfies (as in turns into BDD) your otherwise traditional unit tests. With bddify it is very simple to turn your AAA tests into a BDD test/behavior. Admittedly the 'i' in the middle makes it a bit confusing. At some point I was thinking about removing the 'i' and calling it 'bddfy' or 'BDDfy' but that would require a lot of work and many links would break and I would have lost a lot of history. So I decided to leave the 'i' there for now. What do you think?

Oh and BTW it is pronounced B D Defy.

Read more: bddify
QR: introduction

Posted via email from Jasper-Net