Wednesday, January 25, 2012

HTML5 CSS3 Javascript vs XAML .net and Silverlight

Developers right this second are at some bar / restaurant / lounge / god knows where else being “social” i.e. having geeky discussions about technology, what language/platform is best to use or even better “what’s coolest right now” Smile

I am one of those developers and I must say, when it comes to such discussions I am always biased towards XAML technologies. Yet recently I started diving in what I used to call the “darker side” i.e. HTML5, JS and CSS3 (the “dark side” is reserved for things like Java Smile ). It’s been years (6 to be exact) since I was doing some HTML and Co and I must say; I am really impressed. HTML5 just takes everything to a whole new level BUT what impresses me most is JS and CSS3.

JS because the browsers are natively exposing APIs such as GeoLocation, Canvas drawing, local storage and also indexed DB (and more APIs). BESIDES THAT, what sells JS for me, is the new libraries developers are building such as JQuery and Knockout.js. Working with javascript today is just loads and loads of fun !!

CSS3 because WOW its frekin cool!! The new box modelling with the Flexible box model, the gardients, the transforms, the transitions and I can go on and on…

So yea I must admit, web development (presentation layer) of today is becoming loads of fun! Backend for Web with MVC its also frekin cool! so I guess the questions that readers of my blog / people who know me would ask “Is Marlon turning his back on XAML?” The answer is simple and its NO, my car number plate still says WPF so I guess I cannot change everything now Smile Joking aside, I see both technologies as super awesome and both of them have a different realms (to a certain extend). “to a certain extend” for the reason that WinRT will also support HTML5 JS and CSS3 as a first class citizen just like it will for XAML and C# / C++.

Read more: C# Disciples

Posted via email from Jasper-Net