Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Beginner’s Guide to Kinect Programming," from download to demo

It wouldn't be a "coding week" if we didn't include a couple getting started posts. Today's comes via the very cool Kinect Education site. If you're interested in developing with/for the Kinect (which since you're here I kind of assume you are) you should following Kinect Education site or subscribing to their feed.

Back to today's post... It's a simple and easy to follow guide to getting the right hardware (i.e. the Kinect for the XBox 360 with correct power adapter, since the Kinect for Windows device isn't shipping yet), the SDK, and all the rest and then a 10 minute video on writing your first apps...
Doug Bergman’s Beginner’s Guide to Kinect Programming

    This is an introductory guide to getting started with Kinect programming and is broken up into three parts. Part I describes how to install the appropriate software and Parts II and III (in one video) help set up the coding environment to begin programming with Kinect

    Getting Started with Creating Games and Apps with Kinect

    Part I: Installing Required Software

    Parts II and III: Beginning Programming

Read more: Channel9
QR: Beginners-Guide-to-Kinect-Programming-from-download-to-demo

Posted via email from Jasper-Net