Sharing a similar spirit as Emacs, Windows Debuggers are also super good at non-debugging tasks.CalculatorThe builtin expression evaluator of Windows Debuggers can be used as a handy calculator: 0:000> ?? 1+2+3
int 0n60:000> .formats 0x00905a4d
Evaluate expression:
Hex: 00000000`00905a4d
Decimal: 9460301
Octal: 0000000000000044055115
Binary: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 10010000 01011010 01001101
Chars: ......ZM
Time: Mon Apr 20 19:51:41 1970
Float: low 1.32567e-038 high 0
Double: 4.67401e-317Process ManagerI try not to use the term Task Manager, since the name is already occupied by taskmgr.exe, and we have nothing to do with tasks (taskmgr also has nothing to do with tasks). 0:000> .tlist -v windbg*Shell0:000> .shell tlist -t0:000> .shell dirBinary EditorThe basic idea is to load a portion of file data into the address space of a debuggee, perform some inspection or modification, then write back to the file. WinDBG even has a Memory Window, which makes it a perfect GUI Hex Editor! To examine the file information such like name, permission and size, use the .shell command.0:000> .shell dir *.netmodule
Read more: Rubato and Chord
int 0n60:000> .formats 0x00905a4d
Evaluate expression:
Hex: 00000000`00905a4d
Decimal: 9460301
Octal: 0000000000000044055115
Binary: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 10010000 01011010 01001101
Chars: ......ZM
Time: Mon Apr 20 19:51:41 1970
Float: low 1.32567e-038 high 0
Double: 4.67401e-317Process ManagerI try not to use the term Task Manager, since the name is already occupied by taskmgr.exe, and we have nothing to do with tasks (taskmgr also has nothing to do with tasks). 0:000> .tlist -v windbg*Shell0:000> .shell tlist -t0:000> .shell dirBinary EditorThe basic idea is to load a portion of file data into the address space of a debuggee, perform some inspection or modification, then write back to the file. WinDBG even has a Memory Window, which makes it a perfect GUI Hex Editor! To examine the file information such like name, permission and size, use the .shell command.0:000> .shell dir *.netmodule
Read more: Rubato and Chord