Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Git on-ramp for .Net Devs

   If you want to be hip at the Source Control administration you have to take a look on Git or other peripheral Source Code administrations. Git is the most celebrated agent. That the subject DVCS (peripheral version administration) will be Mainstream in the world of .NET world is a fact since the comment of Brain Harry to the next TFS (responsible for the TFS at the Microsoft Corp.):

“I’m certain that about this time, I bunch of people are asking “but, did you implement DVCS”. The answer is no, not yet. You still can’t checkin while you are offline. And you can’t do history or branch merges, etc. Certain operations do still require you to be online. You won’t get big long hangs – but rather nice error messages that tell you you need to be online. DVCS is definitely in our future and this is a step in that direction but there’s another step yet to take.”

For this blogpost it is important, that I only started working with Git so it’s possible that some facts aren’t true. But of course you are welcome to adjust me in the comments below. If you need some more help than take a look at the help side of GitHub.

Read more: Greg's Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day
Read more: Entrance into Git for .NET Developer

Posted via email from Jasper-Net