Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Coding Naked (err... I mean live video/screen casting of you coding) with CastingCode.tv (Coming soon...)


   We are working to bring live streamed coding sessions to the web. There are a lot of great screencasting sites that demonstrate various technologies for software developers. Here at CastingCode.tv, our goal is to focus on more raw, live coding events where folks can come and watch developers write code and teach in real-time. Whether it’s a developer casting code from their home, a presenter streaming their desktop from a local user group, two competitors battling it out in a live coding competition or a craftsman performing his Kata for all to see, we hope to bring it all to you, live on the web. We even have some other ideas in the works that we hope will take online teaching and support to a whole new level!

We will also have a library of on-demand screencasts, containing archives of our live events as well as some rehearsed and edited screencasts on a number of technologies and coding techniques.

Read more: Greg's Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day
Read more: CastingCode.tv
QR: castingcode-tv-wants-to-broadcast-your-code

Posted via email from Jasper-Net