Sunday, July 24, 2011

winAUTOPWN v2.7 - Released with a detailed 'HowTo' Document

Dear all,

 This is to announce release of winAUTOPWN version 2.7
 This version covers almost all remote exploits up-till mid-July 2011 and a few older ones as well.

 This version incorporates a few new commandline parameters: -perlrevshURL (for a PERL Reverse Shell URL), - mailFROM (smtpsender) and -mailTO (smtpreceiver).
 These are the commandline arguments required for a few exploits which require remote connect-back using a perl shell and email server exploits requiring authentication respectively.
 This version also tackles various internal bugs and fixes them.

 A complete list of all Exploits in winAUTOPWN is available in CHANGELOG.TXT
 A complete list of User Interface changes is available in UI_CHANGES.txt

 Also, in this version :
 BSDAUTOPWN has been upgraded to version 1.5.
 In this release you will also find pre-compiled binaries for :
 FreeBSD x86
 FreeBSD x64
 DragonFly BSD x86

 A complete Document explaining : How to use winAUTOPWN/bsdAUTOPWN, How to add your own exploits using WELF, other advanced command-line options and everything else  related to WINDOWS AUTOPWN is available at the Downloads Section.
 It is also available online at:

Read more:

Posted via email from Jasper-Net