Monday, July 25, 2011

U.S. Dept. of Defense offers up tiny, secure Linux distribution


With the number of websites being hacked at the moment, security has to be a growing concern at all major companies and organizations across the U.S. That includes departments of the government.

It’s not just the security of websites that has to be considered, though. We’ve also seen USB sticks and laptops full of information lost or stolen, and people’s online accounts being hacked with valuable information stolen.

The U.S. Department of Defense and the Air Force Research Laboratory have decided to respond and offer up a way to use a PC securely by developing a new lightweight and secure Linux distribution.

The distro is called Lightweight Portable Security (LPS) and has been created to allow any system, secure or not, to be used in a trusted way. LPS does this by running directly from a CD or USB stick, executing only within a machine’s RAM, while offering up Internet access, a web browser, file system, and a small range of applications to use.

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