Sunday, July 24, 2011

Step Into .NET Framework 4.0 Source Code

In this post I’ll show you how to configure your Visual Studio 2010 to step into the source code of .NET Framework 4.0

Because its cool.

Because it helps with debugging.
Not only you can see the code but you can step into it.

Because unlike with Reflector, you get the code with the original comments and variable names!
Step 1: Download Source

Go to

Download from the line marked with Product Name: .Net , Version: 4
That's a 175MB download.

Step 2: Install Source

Install “Net_4.msi”, which you have downloaded at the previous step.

I’ve installed it into: “D:\RefSrc\”
The installed size is approximately 1GB of source and symbols (are you excited yet?)


Read more: .NET Zone
QR: step-net-framework-40-source

Posted via email from Jasper-Net