Sabayon Linux advanced to version 6.0, opting for GNOME 2.32.2 and KDE 4.6.4 environments over GNOME 3.0. Sabayon 6.0 adopts Linux, adds support for the Btrfs filesystem, switches to LibreOffice 3.3.3, and updates to version 1.0 of its Entropy package manager, says the Saboyan community. The Italy-based Sabayon community -- whose name refers to a light, airy, custard-like dessert -- released the Gentoo-based Sabayon 5.0 in October 2009.Like the Linux Mint project with the recent Linux Mint 11, Sabayon has chosen to ship with GNOME 2.32.2 instead of the radically new, bleeding-edge GNOME 3.0 release. As usual KDE is also available, in this case boosted to version 4.6.4.
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