Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mono Moving Forward... SUSE/Novell/Attachmate have worked out a deal with Xamarin for a brighter and clearer future for Mono...

I have great news to share with the Mono community.

Today together with SUSE, an Attachmate Business Unit, we we announced:

    Xamarin will be providing the support for all of the existing MonoTouch, Mono for Android and Mono for Visual Studio customers.
    Existing and future SUSE customers that use the Mono Enterprise products on their SLES and SLED systems will continue to receive great support backed by the engineering team at Xamarin.
    Xamarin obtained a perpetual license to all the intellectual property of Mono, MonoTouch, Mono for Android, Mono for Visual Studio and will continue updating and selling those products.
    Starting today, developers will be able to purchase MonoTouch and Mono for Android from the Xamarin store. Existing customers will be able to purchase upgrades.
    Xamarin will be taking over the stewardship of the Mono open source community project. This includes the larger Mono ecosystem of applications that you are familiar with including MonoDevelop and the other Mono-centric in the Mono Organization at GitHub.

Read more: Greg's Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day
Read more: Novell/Xamarin Partnership around Mono
QR: mono-moving-forward-susenovellattachmat.html

Posted via email from Jasper-Net