Monday, July 04, 2011

5 Alternative Search Engines You Should Get To Know

Google, Bing and Yahoo get a lot of attention as the English speaking worlds top search engines. Over 90% of searches done online are currently being provided by the big three, either directly or through use of one of their databases. Not that this is a bad thing in itself I mean the results on the whole for most search terms are great. The issue is that its gives too much power over to just a few companies.

With that in mind here is my compilation of some of the lesser known search engines that perhaps deserve a little more attention. Who knows, some day one of these may be the number one search engine on the planet.
    Monthly unique: 200 000
    Alexa rank: 6 900
    Monthly Searches: 5 000 000
    Instant answers
    Full privacy

Duckduckgo is a mid sized engine with approximately 5 mill searches per month. They provide result based upon their own search bot but also integrating them with some of the larger engines, specifically Bing. Provide instant information boxes at the top of search results which appear when relevant topical information can be found.
    Monthly unique: 200 000
    Alexa rank: 5 200
    Monthly Searches: 20 000 000
    Strict content quality

Blekko is a relatively new addition to the search engine world but as you can see from the stats above they are making great head way. Their success may be down to some of their more unique features. Slashtags give users a simple way to effectively limit results to specific types /news, /gossip, /date for example. Also since there inception Blekko have always had a strict policy on content quality and sites that do not reach a particular level are simply banned. In fact, there are a few well known sites which do not feature at all in Blekko results.

Read more: Base webmaster
QR: 5-alternative-search-engines.php

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