Monday, June 20, 2011

How to index your Silverlight application in search engine

Read the following if:
you have a Silverlight application with many internal pages
you want search engine to index your Silverlight content
you want to manage Silverlight content for search engine and reader effectively
There isn’t too many particles articles in the web talking about Silverlight SEO. Therefore, I would like to share my seo optimization knowledge with all of you.
To start with, I would like to prove that my concept is practical. One of my application Silverlight Resources Directory, which has a lot of internal pages, is now indexed with Search Engine with most of the pages. Here are the links results from Goolge, Bing and Yahoo:
Link Results from Google
Link Results from Bing
Link Results from Yahoo
For your reference, the application just launched less than 10 days and it is now receiving more than 30 search queries everyday.
Create a SEO Application together
To better demonstrating the Silverlight SEO techniques, I will attempt to create another new application with a new sub-domain to keep track the performance. If you are interested in it, I hope you could follow my articles and create you own Silverlight application for testing as well.
The detailed steps are as follow:
  1. Create a simple Silverlight Application
I will utilize the navigation framework in Silverlight 3 to create a simple application with numerous pages.
  1. Setup a PHP/ASP to host the Silverlight application
Your web server must be able to support either PHP or ASP. The server side script will be responsible for detecting who (Search Engine or Human) is viewing the page.
If it is search engine, we will display a html page corresponding to the Silverlight Application.

Read more: Shine Draw