Wednesday, May 11, 2011

WCF Extensibility – Operation Selectors

We’re now entering the realm of the less used extensibility points for the WCF runtime. Operation selectors could well be left as an internal implementation detail for WCF, but for some reason the designers decided to make them public (I think the guideline back then was if anyone can come up with a scenario where a user would use it, then WCF would expose a hook for that). The server selector (IDispatchOperationSelector) is actually interesting to have as a public hook, as the whole UriTemplate model for REST services was built on top of it – basically, the selector knows about the HTTP method and URI templates for each service operation, and based on those properties of incoming messages it can call the appropriate operation. For “normal” (i.e., SOAP) endpoints, the operation selector implementation (which happens to be internal) is based on the addressing of the binding – in most of the cases it simply matches the Action header of the message with a map of action to the operation names.
The client operation selector (IClientOperationSelector) is another story. The client selector receives the method invoked by the client (the System.Reflection.MethodBase object) and it must return an operation name which will be used by the WCF runtime to retrieve the actual client operation from the client runtime. I’ve tried for a while to think of any scenario where one would actually want to call one method in the proxy and have another operation be executed (besides some practical joke scenario where one would swap Add for Subtract in a calculator), but I just can’t think of any. Even searching on Bing or Google doesn’t show any real scenarios where a client selector is used. But well, WCF is extensible, so let’s let people choose their client operations as well .

Public implementations in WCF
WebHttpDispatchOperationSelector (server): The dispatch implementation where the UriTemplate magic happens for WCF REST endpoints.

There are no public implementations for IClientOperationSelector, only an internal one which simply returns the operation name of the method being called.

Interface declaration

public interface IDispatchOperationSelector
    string SelectOperation(ref Message message);
public interface IClientOperationSelector
    bool AreParametersRequiredForSelection { get; }
    string SelectOperation(MethodBase method, object[] parameters);

The dispatch operation selector is quite simple – on SelectOperation you get the message, you return the operation name. In most cases the operation can be selected based on information on the message header (e.g., the Action header for SOAP endpoints) or the message properties (e.g., the HTTP request property attached to the message). There are scenarios, however, where the routing to the operation needs to be done based on the message contents, so the message is passed by reference – if it needs to be consumed by the operation selector, it can recreated it to hand it back to the WCF pipeline.

On the client side the AreParametersRequiredForSelection is used to determine whether the response to SelectOperation can be cached or not – if the parameters are not required, the WCF runtime will only call SelectOperation once per method in the proxy, otherwise every time a proxy call is made the selector will be invoked again.

Read more: Carlos' blog