Wednesday, May 11, 2011

SilverWii - That is connecting a WiiMote to a Silverlight OOB app via NESL (Native Extensions For Microsoft Silverlight)

Yeah, I know... Silverlight, Silverlight, Silverlight... I know I've been doing a good bit of Silverlight recently, and will back off it soon, but I saw this and well I just couldn't pass this up (I tried, but every time I re-org'ed my list of possible posts this one just kept bubbling all by itself to the top... lol).

Hooking up a Wiimote to a Silverlight app? Come on, you know that's officially "fun"... 
NESL: Native Extension for Silverlight or No (Except Seven) Limits for Silverlight? Experimenting the Sensor API with a Wiimote

The first time I heard about the Native Extension for Silverlight, I wondered: well, in what context can I use this? In what kind of scenario? And overall, is it something really usable? In this article I will try to test one of the features included in NESL, i.e. the capability of interacting with motion sensors. At the end I used the popular wiimote controller since it has a built-in accelerometer. Read the rest of the story to find out the test result.

Read more: Channel9