Thursday, April 07, 2011

April MSDN magazine out now


This month’s MSDN magazine is online and ready for reading. April’s hot topic is Windows Azure – here are the highlights: Windows Azure Development: CQRS on Windows Azure 
Learn how Command Query Responsibility Segregation represents a shift from more classic, three-tier application architecture toward a message-based, asynchronous pattern. We walk you through a reservation booking app to demonstrate how CQRS lends itself to Windows Azure development. 
Mark Seemann Team Foundation Server: Visual Studio TFS Team Project and Collection
Microsoft’s expert “Ranger” team presents guidance for organizing and provisioning Team Foundation Server Team Projects and Team Project Collections. 
Willy-Peter Schaub and Mike Schimmel Cloud Cache: Introducing the Windows Azure AppFabric Caching Service 
Windows Azure AppFabric Caching service provides an easy-to-use cache in the cloud that you can employ for application data, maintaining session state, and other tasks. We'll show you how to start using the Cache service in your apps today.

Read more: MSDN magazine