Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Using AdMob for Windows Phone 7

A few days ago, Google has released a first beta version of an AdMob SDK for Windows Phone 7. People seem to be interested in that especially outside the U.S., because at the moment, Microsoft's own Advertising program is only available to developers based in the United States. Here is a short walk-through of how to use the AdMob SDK in your app and what you can expect from it at the moment.

Please keep in mind that this post is based on a beta version, and that the final experience and feature set may be different from what I observe and describe here.

First steps
To obtain and use the SDK, you first have to create an account with AdMob here:

The information you need to provide only includes basic information. All data relevant for a later payout process (like your business name, tax number, bank account etc.) can be added later and changed at any time you want. Once created, your account can be used to manage multiple apps and sites in one place.

Add your application
The next step is to add your application to your account, which can be done in the "Sites & Apps" area. Click on the link "Add Site/App" to start a new wizard for this. The first step is to select the platform. This is where you choose "Windows Phone 7 App":


Read more: Mister Goodcat

Posted via email from Jasper-Net