Friday, March 18, 2011

ClickOnce Deployment using IIS / Apache Server for VSTO

We can use Clickonce deployment almost on any Http Web Server. Clickonce deployment makes it very easy for the endusers to install the required application. I found ClickOnce deployment particularly useful when you want to distribute addins and document level customized projects for Excel / Word to the enduser in an internet/intranet scenario.

Below are the steps to configure Apache Server for ClickOnce Deployment of an Addin / Document customization projects :

1.     Open the project you would like to publish.
2.     Open the project properties. Update the properties as shown below.
a.     Publishing Folder is the location which would be embedded into the VSTO manifest to locate server for updates.
b.    Installation location is the location where the setup files are dropped.
4.     Add MIME Types to Apache server to enable ClickOnce Deployment. Apache server 2.2 version contains httpd.config at [Install Location] -> Apache Software Foundation->Apache2.2->conf
AddType application/x-ms-application application
AddType application/x-ms-manifest manifest
AddType application/octet-stream deploy
AddType application/ xps
AddType application/xaml+xml xaml
AddType application/x-ms-xbap xbap
AddType application/x-silverlight-app xap
AddType application/microsoftpatch msp
AddType application/microsoftupdate msu

Read more: JK's Blog
Read more: Stackoverflow