We all have our favorite tools open by our sides when we begin bringing a new creation to life. Now we are not talking about having Photoshop or Fireworks open as those are on most of our lists, instead, we are talking about some great hidden gems you may have not discovered yet. With that said, we dive straight into seven great tools to have by your side when web designing.

Macrabbit is a great company developing some awesome software for the OSX platform, one of their greater pieces has to be CSSedit. CSSedit is a quick and easy to use software specifically designed for style sheet development. As you enter your code and wonder whether some properties and elements or selectors validate, CSSedit allows you to do just that right from the software itself bringing in validation errors to you directly from W3C’s validation service, what we all use.
960 Grid System

Many designers we have spoken with swear by the 960 Grid System and how easy it is to use, and how it increases on productivity. The 960 Grid System is a tool providing a grid with a basic 12 and 16-column layout of 960 pixels of real estate. Bottom line is, it is a prebuilt grid ready for you to slap your stuff on without the hassle of creating and validating the CSS for columns and containers, you may need to create. While the CSS or HTML it generates for you is clean and pristine, it does have a drawback being that its selector-naming scheme is a bit bothersome to work with, but it generally should not be an issue knowing that it can save you hours of work.

Taking notes, highlighting certain parts of a design that need improvement; they both seem like what we sometimes do to get our ideas or opinions across on a design. This method is definitely useful but highlighting, circling, or writing a note across a design usually requires an image editing program like Photoshop to do. However, Markup does exactly that right from your browser without the need to install it; just drag their icon into your bookmarks toolbar and you can be drawing and leaving notes on websites immediately, and you can be able to save them and share them instantly without hassle. We personally just recently discovered Markup, and it is definitely something we use to share our ideas instantly.
Read more: BoxieDesigner

Macrabbit is a great company developing some awesome software for the OSX platform, one of their greater pieces has to be CSSedit. CSSedit is a quick and easy to use software specifically designed for style sheet development. As you enter your code and wonder whether some properties and elements or selectors validate, CSSedit allows you to do just that right from the software itself bringing in validation errors to you directly from W3C’s validation service, what we all use.
960 Grid System

Many designers we have spoken with swear by the 960 Grid System and how easy it is to use, and how it increases on productivity. The 960 Grid System is a tool providing a grid with a basic 12 and 16-column layout of 960 pixels of real estate. Bottom line is, it is a prebuilt grid ready for you to slap your stuff on without the hassle of creating and validating the CSS for columns and containers, you may need to create. While the CSS or HTML it generates for you is clean and pristine, it does have a drawback being that its selector-naming scheme is a bit bothersome to work with, but it generally should not be an issue knowing that it can save you hours of work.

Taking notes, highlighting certain parts of a design that need improvement; they both seem like what we sometimes do to get our ideas or opinions across on a design. This method is definitely useful but highlighting, circling, or writing a note across a design usually requires an image editing program like Photoshop to do. However, Markup does exactly that right from your browser without the need to install it; just drag their icon into your bookmarks toolbar and you can be drawing and leaving notes on websites immediately, and you can be able to save them and share them instantly without hassle. We personally just recently discovered Markup, and it is definitely something we use to share our ideas instantly.
Read more: BoxieDesigner