Visual Studio 2010 includes some improvements to Intellisense. One new feature is the inclusion of two modes of operation. These are the original Intellisense completion mode and the new suggestion mode, which is ideal for test-driven development.
Intellisense Completion Mode
The default type of Intellisense is Intellisense Completion Mode. This behaves in a similar manner to that of previous Visual Studio versions. When you begin typing the name of a token, such as a class, structure, method or property name, a list of existing items is displayed. The list includes tokens that contain the typed text or where the entered characters match the Pascal case initials of the token.
When the list is visible, an item is always selected. If you press certain keys, such as space, tab, enter or the full stop character (period), the selected item is inserted into your code automatically. You can also select a suggestion from the list to have it added to your code.
The image below shows an example Intellisense list. Here the programmer has typed "Act" and a list of possible items has been displayed. "ActivationContext" is selected as the item that will be automatically inserted.
Read more: BlackWasp
Intellisense Completion Mode
The default type of Intellisense is Intellisense Completion Mode. This behaves in a similar manner to that of previous Visual Studio versions. When you begin typing the name of a token, such as a class, structure, method or property name, a list of existing items is displayed. The list includes tokens that contain the typed text or where the entered characters match the Pascal case initials of the token.
When the list is visible, an item is always selected. If you press certain keys, such as space, tab, enter or the full stop character (period), the selected item is inserted into your code automatically. You can also select a suggestion from the list to have it added to your code.
The image below shows an example Intellisense list. Here the programmer has typed "Act" and a list of possible items has been displayed. "ActivationContext" is selected as the item that will be automatically inserted.
Read more: BlackWasp