Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Uri scheme ‘Http's’ is invalid; expected http when using SSL in WCF

Ok, so I still working on setting up SSL on my WCF endpoints.  I thought I had everything working nicely but when I was porting my changes from a test application into my real application I of course screwed a few things up (go figure).  When I would try to open the service host I would get the error below.
{"The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected 'http'.\r\nParameter name: context.ListenUriBaseAddress"}

This was odd as I knew I was using my SSL binding and everything else looked correct (See Below).


However after looking at the binding for a minute I realized what I had done.  When coping over the security info I pasted None in the Mode attribute rather than the clientCredentialType attribute.  Once I noticed this i changed it to be like below.


Read more: Derik Whittaker