Monday, December 13, 2010

There’s a new Open Source Reporting Engine in town: MonoReports

Writing a new reporting engine is challenging that will work for people in real-world situations. As I’ve learned over the last three years – the problems aren’t just about having a cool designer and rendering data into tables or charts. (Trust me on this one. One day I’ll explain all the other components that have to go into an enterprise-level reporting framework)

In any case, it’s amazing to see someone take this task on: Today I found out that Tomasz Kubacki started his MonoReports project.

He’s got a 6 minute video on youtube. Now the video doesn’t have any audio – So, below the embedded video I’ve pointed out some things that I found interesting while watching

Defining Datasets in code
Screenshot below says it all. Looks to be very easy to create a dataset in C# code. If you’ve seen my AX SSRS Screencasts you know how important “data methods” in C# are for AX SSRS Reporting – so I am glad to see how easy it is below.


Read more: Saveen Reddy's blog

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