Hibernate comes with three different caching mechanisms - first level, second level and query cache. Truly understanding how the Hibernate caches work and interact with each other is important when you need to increase performance - just enabling caching in your entity with an annotation (or in classic .hbm.xml mapping file) is easy. But understanding what and how things happens behind the scenes is not. You might even end up with a less performing system if you do not know what you are doing.
SessionFactory and Session
The purpose of the Hibernate SessionFactory (called EntityManager in JEE) is to create Sessions, initialize JDBC connections and pool them (using a pluggable provider like C3P0). A SessionFactory is immutable and built from a Configuration holding mapping information, cache information and a lot of other information usually provided by means of a hibernate.cfg.cml file or through a Spring bean configuration.
A Session is a unit of work at its lowest level - representing a transaction in database lingua. When a Session is created and operations are done on Hibernate entities, e.g. setting an attribute of an entity, Hibernate does not go of and update the underlying table immediately. Instead Hibernate keeps track of the state of an entity, whether it is dirty or not, and flushes (commits) updates at the end at the end of a unit of work. This is what Hibernate calls the first level cache.
The 1st level cache
Definition: The first level cache is where Hibernate keeps track of the possible dirty states of the ongoing Session's loaded and touched entities. The ongoing Session represents a unit of work and is always used and can not be turned of. The purpose of the first level cache is to hinder to many SQL queries or updates beeing made to the database, and instead batch them together at the end of the Session. When you think about the 1st level cache think Session.
Hibernate comes with three different caching mechanisms - first level, second level and query cache. Truly understanding how the Hibernate caches work and interact with each other is important when you need to increase performance - just enabling caching in your entity with an annotation (or in classic .hbm.xml mapping file) is easy. But understanding what and how things happens behind the scenes is not. You might even end up with a less performing system if you do not know what you are doing.
SessionFactory and Session
The purpose of the Hibernate SessionFactory (called EntityManager in JEE) is to create Sessions, initialize JDBC connections and pool them (using a pluggable provider like C3P0). A SessionFactory is immutable and built from a Configuration holding mapping information, cache information and a lot of other information usually provided by means of a hibernate.cfg.cml file or through a Spring bean configuration.
A Session is a unit of work at its lowest level - representing a transaction in database lingua. When a Session is created and operations are done on Hibernate entities, e.g. setting an attribute of an entity, Hibernate does not go of and update the underlying table immediately. Instead Hibernate keeps track of the state of an entity, whether it is dirty or not, and flushes (commits) updates at the end at the end of a unit of work. This is what Hibernate calls the first level cache.
The 1st level cache
Definition: The first level cache is where Hibernate keeps track of the possible dirty states of the ongoing Session's loaded and touched entities. The ongoing Session represents a unit of work and is always used and can not be turned of. The purpose of the first level cache is to hinder to many SQL queries or updates beeing made to the database, and instead batch them together at the end of the Session. When you think about the 1st level cache think Session.