Thursday, December 30, 2010

GWF beta released! (w/full source) - a unique approach to web application development

GWF was created for the following reasons
  1. To simplify web application development with built-in support for many of the tasks we do over and over again
  2. To serve as a more complete example of what can be accomplished with Gaia Ajax - the best ajax library for ASP.NET!
  3. To illustrate the powerful DRIMR technology with a concrete example of it's benefits
GWF had the following design goals in mind
  1. Document based storage approach (JSON)
  2. Drag&Drop page composition with instant loading
  3. Use Convention over Configuration
  4. Dynamic Discovery of resources and definitions
  5. Simple and convenient API for developers
  6. Easy to extend
  7. Also licensed under GPL

Read more: GAIAWARE