Monday, December 06, 2010

Download NHibernate 3 O/R Mapper for Microsoft .NET Developers

If you are a Microsoft .NET Web Developer building websites using ASP.NET WebForms or ASP.NET MVC, you obviously need an O/R Mapper to create dynamic database-driven web applications. Of all the O/R Mappers, including LINQ To SQL and Entity Framework, the NHibernate O/R Mapper is one of the best at making database persistence transparent and pluggable using proven Microsoft patterns and practices.
The NHibernate Development Team just released a new version of the NHibernate O/R Mapper that includes a number of enhancements including:
A new strongly typed criteria API called QueryOver
Lazy loading of columns
Alias delimiting in generated SQL
Support for DetachedCriteria within IStatelessSession
If you are a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Developer looking for an O/R Mapper, download NHibernate 3.0 here.

Read more: Patterns and Practices Guidance