Monday, November 01, 2010

92. Animated Note Control Using Triggers In Silverlight


   In this entry, I am going to create a simple note control. Let’s look at the initial code I have written below. The idea is that the control should be very simple and easy to create. Create a class and name it say…SlideNoteControl and then refer this control to your Mainpage.xaml where controls: is the namespace of the project.

You can see the live example here [live demo]

The SOURCE CODE(.zip) is at the end of the page for download.


   public class SlideNoteControl : ContentControl
       public SlideNoteControl()
           : base()
           this.DefaultStyleKey = typeof(SlideNoteControl);

       public static readonly DependencyProperty NoteProperty = DependencyProperty
           .Register(“Note”, typeof(UIElement), typeof(SlideNoteControl), null);

       public UIElement Note
           get { return (UIElement)this.GetValue(SlideNoteControl.NoteProperty); }
           set { this.SetValue(SlideNoteControl.NoteProperty, value); }

and here is how you use it in .xaml


Read more: Sharker Khaleed Mahmud Silverlight Tips & Tricks

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