Tuesday, September 07, 2010

var vs dynamic keyword in C# 4.0

To put it as simple as possible, there is a simple difference between the C# ‘var’ and ‘dynamic’ keyword. When using the ‘var’ keyword, the type is decided by the compiler at compile time, whereas when using the ‘dynamic’ keyword, the type is decided by the runtime.
If you have been doing C# programming lately, you are already aware of the ‘var’ keyword, a strongly implicitly typed local variable for which the compiler is able to determine the type from the initialization expression - very useful when doing LINQ programming.
The ‘dynamic’ keyword was introduced in .NET 4.0 framework which also introduced the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) to accommodate dynamic languages like IronRuby and IronPython [are they dead?]. C# 4.0 provides access to this DLR using the new ‘dynamic’ keyword. C# is a statically typed language and the ‘dynamic' type automatically tells the compiler that it is a dynamic invocation, so ignore the compile time checking for this type. This also means that any invalid operations will only be detected at runtime.
Read more: devcurry