Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Will Google Android ever support .NET?

Q: Now that the G1 with Google's Android OS is now available (soon), will the android platform ever support .Net?

A: Mono now works on Android thanks to the work of Koushik Dutta and Marc Crichton.
You can see a video of it running here: http://www.koushikdutta.com/2009/01/mono-on-android-with-gratuitous-shaky.html
And you can get the instructions to build Mono yourself here: http://www.koushikdutta.com/2009/01/building-mono-for-android.html
You can get a benchmark comparing Mono's JIT vs Dalvik's interpreter here: http://www.koushikdutta.com/2009/01/dalvik-vs-mono.html
And of course, you can get a pre-configured image with Mono here (go to the bottom of the post for details on using that): http://www.koushikdutta.com/2009/01/building-mono-for-android.html

Read more: StackOverflow

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