Thursday, April 08, 2010

Top 7 Operating Systems for Serious Server Applications

While important, the technical specifications of the hardware inside a computer that will be used as a server  are not the only factor that will influence its performance, stability and reliability. Often times, the software you use is just as important.
The heart of the software part of a server is the operating system. This is the single most important thing that you’ll have to install and will be very hard to change without interrupting normal operations (it might even be impossible to replace if you made significant customizations that will run only on that specific configuration).
That is why you should choose it very carefully and weight in all the advantages and disadvantages of the available operating systems. Depending on what you need (increased stability, maximum performance, fast serving of static or dynamic pages, fast database operations, etc.), some OS’es will work better (sometimes significantly better) than others.

Read more: HostWisely

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