Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Psscor2 Managed-Code Debugging Extension for WinDbg

Psscor2 can help you diagnose high-memory issues, high-CPU issues, crashes, hangs and many other problems that might occur in a .NET application; in scenarios involving live processes or dump files.

If you are familiar with SOS.dll, the managed-debugging extension that ships with the .NET Framework, Psscor2.dll provides a superset of that functionality. Most of the added functionality helps you identify issues in ASP.NET.

For example, Psscor2 provides the ability to view:

   * managed call stacks (with source mappings)
   * managed exception information
   * what types are in the managed heap and their reference chain
   * which ASP.NET pages are running on which thread
   * the contents of the ASP.NET cache
   * and much more.

Read more: Jin's WebLog original, translated
Download: MS Download

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