Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Microsoft Updates Linux Code

Microsoft has released enhancements to the Hyper-V Linux Integration Services that the company contributed to the Linux community last year.

Last July, in a move many compared to seeing pigs fly, Microsoft submitted source code for the Hyper-V Linux Integration Services to the Linux Kernel Community to provide the integration that customers were looking for with Hyper-V. The Integration Services (ISs) are now part of the Linux kernel. On March 31, Microsoft announced a beta release of Integration Services that adds the following new functionality:

·         SMP support for up to 4 virtual CPUs
·         Integrated shutdown, which provides the ability to gracefully shutdown Linux from the Hyper-V console (management partition)
·         Timesync, which keeps the time in the guest OS synchronized with the management partition.

In a March 31 blog post, Microsoft's Brett Shoemaker said interested parties can get a hold of the beta version of the new Linux Integration Components here.

Shoemaker said: "Microsoft developed the ISs to enhance the performance of Linux when virtualized on Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V. The Linux Integration Services allow Linux to run in an 'enlightened mode' on top of Hyper-V. Without this code, Linux runs but without the same high performance."

In a separate post on the issue, Mike Sterling of Microsoft's virtualization team, said:

"Customers who have a heterogeneous operating system environment desire their virtualization platform to provide support for all operating systems that they have in their datacenters. We have supported Linux as a guest operating system on our virtualization platform from the days of Virtual Server and continue to enhance our support in that regard. In July of last year, we submitted our Linux Integration Services for Hyper-V to the Linux community so that they can be included in the Linux kernel.  We have seen great support from the community, having received over 200 patches."

Read more: Naveed Bajwa's Blog

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