Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Creating a Web Service in Cloud

Let's create our first web service in the cloud. The service will return the factorial of a number. Just like our Hello World ASP.NET application, we will create a new Cloud Service project but this time with no Role. Once the project is created, create a new ASP.NET Web Service Application project and add it as a Web Role in the Cloud Service project. Just add the following methods to it.

public double GetFactorial(int x)
       double factorial = 0;
       if (x >= 0)
               factorial = CalcFactorial(x);

       return factorial;

privat static double CalcFactorial (int x)
       // base case
       if (x <= 1)
               return 1;

       return x * CalcFactorial (x -1);

Now, press F5 and you will get the following.

Read more: Sajid's TechnoTips

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