Monday, March 22, 2010

Silverlight 4 RC – Socket Security Changes

I’ve been reading the SL4 RC docs and noticed that aspects of security have changed since the beta and since I made these screencasts  on networking.

I think these are positive changes and, from what I’ve seen so far both TCP and UDP sockets drop their security limitations for an elevated application.

That is – a non-trusted application (whether in the browser or out of browser) has restrictions imposed on it;

  1. TCP sockets can only be opened to ports 4502 to 4534.
  2. TCP sockets can only be opened once a security policy allowing the opening has been downloaded via either;
        1. TCP over port 943 on the target server
        2. HTTP from port 80 on the target server ( this is new in the RC )
  3. UDP multicast sockets can only be opened to ports above 1024.
  4. UDP multicast groups can only be joined once a security policy allowing the joining has been downloaded via either;
        1. UDP unicast to port 9430 on the target server ( for a single source multicast group )
        2. UDP multicast to port 9430 on the multicast group ( for an any source multicast group )

and all those restrictions go away if you’re running trusted.

Read more: Mike Taulty's Blog

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