Thursday, March 25, 2010

The platform-independent code with Mono: Client-server application sample

   * Introduction
   * 1. Requirements
   * 2. Design
         o 2.1 Architecture
         o 2.2 Database schema
   * 3. Implementation
         o 3.1 TDD methodology and NUnit tool
         o 3.2 Server
               + 3.2.1 Persistence layer
                     # Object-relation mapping and NHibernate
                     # Implementation
                     # Test cases
               + 3.2.2 Bussiness layer
               + 3.2.3 Presentation layer
         o 3.3 Client
               + 3.3.1 Service or daemon
               + 3.3.2 Get system information
               + 3.3.3 Compress data
               + 3.3.4 Call web service
               + 3.3.5 Logging
   * 4 Deployment
         o 4.1 Database
               + 4.1.1 Ms Sql Server config
               + 4.1.2 MySql config
         o 4.2 Client
               + 4.2.1 Windows
               + 4.2.2 Run ASP.NET site on Linux and Apache
   * Conclusion
   * History


In this article I want to show how we can develop the platform-independent software with Mono usage . I don’t consider what is Mono. If Mono is unfamiliar to you, look through my previous article – "How we can write on C# in Linux: Implementing PanelApplet to Gnome Desktop". The first three parts describe the developed software. The last part describes how we can deploy this software in different operating system and I think it is the most important part of the article.

Read more: Codeproject

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