Thursday, March 25, 2010

Microsoft Connectors Version 1.1 for Oracle and Teradata by Attunity

Microsoft Connector Version 1.1 for Oracle by Attunity - The Oracle source and destination components are written to achieve optimal performance when loading data into Oracle or unloading data from Oracle in the context of Microsoft SSIS.

Microsoft Connector Version 1.1 for Teradata by Attunity - The components are written to achieve optimal performance when loading data into Teradata or unloading data from Teradata in the context of Microsoft SSIS.

Microsoft SSIS Connectors by Attunity Version 1.1 is a minor release. It includes performance enhancements, bug fixes, and continued improvements for ease of use.

The following enhancements were made:

   * Performance Improvements for Oracle and Teradata Components
         o Optimize conversion functions in the Oracle and Teradata source and destination components.
         o A major performance enhancement for the Oracle destination component when set to work in fast-load mode. This was achieved by code optimization and removal of unnecessary overhead in the Oracle connector.

   * Additional Property Support for the Teradata Components
         o Added support for the following properties in the Teradata destination:
           – Robust: TPT Stream only
           – ArraySupport: TPT Stream only.
           – Buffers: TPT Stream only.
           – BufferSize: TPT Load only.
           – QueryBandSessionInfo
           – DetailedTracingLevel

         o Added support for the following properties in the Teradata Source:
           – BufferSize
           – QueryBandSessionInfo
           - DetailedTracingLevel

   * Support for TPT API Version 13 in the Teradata Components
     Support was added for TPT API version 13 Edition 2 ( Version 12 APIs are still supported.

   * Enhanced Logging for the Teradata Components
     The DetailedTraceLevel property was added to the Teradata source and destination. This allows setting the TPT API tracing to different levels. Additional Property Support for the Teradata Components.

   * Query Banding is Supported by the Teradata Components
     The Teradata source and destination support query banding. This allows charge back, monitoring, and governance. This is set by the new QueryBandSessionInfo property. See Additional Property Support for the Teradata Components.

Read more: MS Download

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