Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Approaching Parallelism

Reed Copsey has written a series of blog postings on how to look at your application to make it run on multi-core processors. He approaches the issue by focusing on what you are trying to accomplish. This is an indepth series that shows code and details in how you can

Here’s a list of his posts so far:

   * Parallelism in .NET – Introduction
   * Parallelism in .NET – Part 1, Decomposition
   * Parallelism in .NET – Part 2, Simple Imperative Data Parallelism
   * Parallelism in .NET – Part 3, Imperative Data Parallelism: Early Termination
   * Parallelism in .NET – Part 4, Imperative Data Parallelism: Aggregation
   * Parallelism in .NET – Part 5, Partitioning of Work
   * Parallelism in .NET – Part 6, Declarative Data Parallelism
   * Parallelism in .NET – Part 7, Some Differences between PLINQ and LINQ to Objects
   * Parallelism in .NET – Part 8, PLINQ’s ForAll Method
   * Parallelism in .NET – Part 9, Configuration in PLINQ and TPL
   * Parallelism in .NET – Part 10, Cancellation in PLINQ and the Parallel class
   * Parallelism in .NET – Part 11, Divide and Conquer via Parallel.Invoke
   * Parallelism in .NET – Part 12, More on Task Decomposition

Each post is a short, concise, thought-provoking way to look at your application to run in parallel.
See Also

See also my screencast series on Channel 9 which serves as an introduction to Parallel Computing on Windows

Read more: ISV Developer Community

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