Thursday, February 04, 2010

Typemock Isolator 2010 released

It's time for another Typemock Isolator release, and this time it's special – a fully blown major version! Isolator version 6.0, dubbed Typemock Isolator 2010, includes support for Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4, a dedicated Silverlight unit testing solution and more. those of you who want to get it right away just click here.

Since the last release we’ve added quite a few nifty features:

You might have noticed the lack of x64/x86 installer – we’ve merged both installers so that you won’t have to download two files anymore.

This version also has the much requested Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0 support:
Both Isolator and Intellitest work flawlessly in the new Visual Studio, you can fake dynamic objects and use other .NET 4.0 features.

Read more: The Typemock Insider Blog

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