Contents * Introduction
* What is .NET Reflection?
* Road Map
* System.Reflection Namespace
* The System.Type Class
* Using System.Object.GetType()
* Using System.Type.GetType()
* Using typeof () C# operator
* Type Properties
* Type Methods
* Reflecting on Methods
* Reflecting on Fields and Properties
* Reflecting on Implemented Interfaces
* Reflecting on Method Parameters and Return Values
* Reflecting on Constructor
* Assembly Class
* Dynamically loading an Assembly
* Late Binding
* Reflection EmitRead more: Codeproject
* What is .NET Reflection?
* Road Map
* System.Reflection Namespace
* The System.Type Class
* Using System.Object.GetType()
* Using System.Type.GetType()
* Using typeof () C# operator
* Type Properties
* Type Methods
* Reflecting on Methods
* Reflecting on Fields and Properties
* Reflecting on Implemented Interfaces
* Reflecting on Method Parameters and Return Values
* Reflecting on Constructor
* Assembly Class
* Dynamically loading an Assembly
* Late Binding
* Reflection EmitRead more: Codeproject