Tuesday, February 02, 2010

The Pain of deploying Primary Interop Assemblies

Alright, first of all, what are Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs), and why am I devoting an entire post to the pains caused by deploying these things? And secondly, how do they relate with what we’ve been talking about thus far?

The answer to the second question is simple – we’ve been talking about COM Interop in C# lately, and we’ve just gotten through how C# 4.0 makes Indexed Properties accessible in a first class manner. Primary Interop Assemblies fit to the picture because they’re the way that COM interfaces are exposed into the managed world. In essence, they’re the bridge that allows you to use native COM “stuff” from your managed programming models. They are typically large API collections that must be deployed along with client applications.

What’s wrong with deploying PIAs?

Well, nothing’s wrong with it per se, but it certainly isn’t pleasant for developers who just want to write code against a COM API to have to worry about shipping the PIAs onto the client box, worry about whether or not it already exists on the client machine and what version lives there and all that. As I’ve mentioned before, you can think of the overarching theme of C# 4.0 as an interop release, one where we attempt to make interoping with different programming models and paradigms much simpler and much more first class.

Read more: Sam Ng's Blog

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