Wednesday, February 03, 2010

.NET Gem Fun

RubyGems is great for sharing Ruby code libraries.

Just for fun, I thought I’d play with the idea of using rubygems for packaging up .NET libraries. After a few hours of messing about, I finally have this.

$ gem search nhib -d

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

dotnet-nhibernate (2.1.2)
   Authors: ayenderahien, fabiomaulo, karlchu, sbohlen
   Installed at: /Users/apple/.gem/ruby/1.8

   .NET port of the excellent Java Hibernate which provides
   Object/Relational mapping to persist objects in a relational

My dotnet-nhibernate gem is really simple; all it does is download the correct nhibernate zip from sourceforge and unpack it somewhere sensible.

Read more: tobin harris

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