Tuesday, February 02, 2010

65 Open Source Downloads That Could Change Your Life

Can an open-source application really change your life? To find out, we went looking for apps that users described as "indispensable."

What we found were tools that truly can help you significantly change the way you live or the way you use your computer every day. And as we put the list together, we noticed that a lot of these tools fall into categories that corresponded with some of the most popular New Year's resolutions.

For example, a recent survey by Franklin Covey found that the top New Year's resolution for 2010 was "improve my financial situation." We found a whole host of open source apps that can help you accomplish that goal by creating a budget, managing your portfolio, or even launching your own e-commerce site.

In fact, we found open source apps for most of the most popular resolutions: apps to help you eat better and exercise more, apps to help you stop smoking or break other bad habits, lots of apps to help you get organized and make better use of your time.

We found open source apps that could help you get started in a new hobby, read more, improve your mind, and become more spiritual. And for the (admittedly small) group of people whose New Year's resolution is to try open source for the first time, we assembled a small group of apps for open-source neophytes.

Page 1: Improve Your Financial Situation, Lose Weight (Diet/Exercise), Stop a Bad Habit
Page 2: Get Organized, Make Better Use of Your Time
Page 3: Start a New Hobby, Learn a New Language, Read More
Page 4: Improve Your Mind, Become More Spiritual, Give Open Source a Try

Read more:  Datamation.com

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